Searching for a job while employed?
Discreet Job Search Tips for Employed Professionals
Searching for a new job while you’re currently employed requires a bit of extra caution. Here are some tips to help you keep your search under wraps and avoid raising any suspicions with your current employer.
1. Make Job Search-Related Phone Calls Away from the Office
It’s essential to make all job search calls away from your workplace. Even if you’re using your own cell phone and data plan, there’s still a chance someone could overhear your conversation. Avoid making calls in places like the break room, where coworkers might walk in unexpectedly. Instead, head to your car, or find a quiet spot at a nearby coffee shop not frequented by colleagues.
2. Use Former Employers as References
If a prospective employer asks for a job reference, avoid involving your current boss to keep your job search confidential. Most employers understand this situation and will be satisfied with a reference from a previous supervisor. Having a few past managers or colleagues prepared to vouch for you can be just as effective without jeopardizing your current position.
3. Dress Appropriately for Work
If you usually dress casually, showing up in formal interview attire might raise some eyebrows. To avoid this, plan a quick wardrobe change before your interview. A coffee shop restroom or similar location can serve as a discreet spot to switch from casual to professional attire. This way, you can attend an interview without raising suspicions at the office.
Following these steps can help you maintain your current job while exploring new opportunities, keeping your job search as private and professional as possible.