3 ways to land your new job in Lynnwood
1. Be honest about your current situation. If you have no degree or certifications, just understand you may have a tough time with your job search. Understand your weaknesses and strengths and really think about what you want to do.
2. Check your network. Somehow we believe that if we have hundreds, maybe thousands, of followers and friends, that we have a valuable network, but that’s not true. Check your network, maybe some of them have retired, gotten laid off, decided to launch their own business, fallen ill, or having a tough time themselves. If that is the case, then they won’t be able to help you find a job and the number 1 way to get a job is through a referral! Check your network.
3. Update your credentials. Yes, as a resume writer of course I am going to suggest that you update your resume credentials but it not only because it’s my business, it’s because it is very important, just ask any recruiter. They are looking at everything now – your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and social media. Get yourself updated.