Use LinkedIn for finding recruiters

Using LinkedIn Filters to Find Industry-Specific Recruiters

When preparing to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn, carefully select five to 10 of them. Don’t randomly send connection requests to those who might not have any openings in your industry or jobs that match your skills. Your smartphone might not offer all the options you need for this process, so use your laptop or tablet instead.

Here’s how to use LinkedIn’s filters to find recruiters:

  1. From the home page, click on “My Network.”
  2. Click on “Connections” at the top left-hand column.
  3. Click on “Search with filters”, then select the “All filters” box (highlighted in blue at top right).
  4. In the pop-up box, choose 1st, 2nd, and 3rd connections.
  5. Scroll down to the “Industry” section (a couple of sections below in the pop-up box) and click your industries of interest. You can also add industries. This is important because you want to choose a recruiter that works with people in your fields of choice.
  6. Scroll down to the “Keywords” section at the bottom of the box. Under “Title,” type in “Recruiter,” “Headhunter,” “Talent Acquisition,” or “Hiring Manager”
  7. Click “Show Results.”

Within your search results, click on the “Connect” button of each recruiter  you want to reach out to. Then, choose the option “Add a note” and send them a customized message. In addition to your first-level (1st) connections, these search results will offer the names of other people in your network who you may be familiar with. Don’t be afraid to ask your connections for an introduction.

Do you know why a Recruiter is important for your job search?

The Role of a Recruiter

If you are job hunting, you need to cultivate relationships with recruiters. Recruiters are primarily tasked with filling positions for businesses, but they play an advisory role for job seekers in the process. They can work with you to make sure you are ready to face employers. For example, they might provide guidance on interview etiquette, salary negotiations, workplace culture and expectations, and proper work attire.

Types of Recruiters

Before deciding to work with recruiters, it’s important to understand these three major types:

  • Retainer-based recruiter: This recruiter serves as a third-party consultant and charges a business a retainer fee up front in order to find a candidate. Often, the candidates they seek are senior-level business people who meet specific job requirements.
  • Contingency-based recruiter: This recruiter can be a staffing or temp agency hired to conduct a specific search to fill temporary roles. Usually the roles they seek to fill pay below $100,000 per year. Contingency-based recruiters compete with other firms to present the right candidates for job openings, and are paid only if their candidate gets hired.
  • Corporate recruiter: This recruiter works internally. They are responsible for distributing the job posting, sourcing candidates, screening resumes, and shortlisting candidates to be presented to the hiring manager.

Looking to hire the right candidate?


Lastly, we implore you to look beyond the resume when hiring a candidate. Especially in fast-paced, changing fields like marketing, technology, and other evolving industries. For example, if you start a technology job today, a year from now a huge portion of your role will likely be totally different.

So rather than worrying too much about whether or not a candidate checks every single box, focus instead on what they bring to the table beyond hard skills. Are they passionate, committed, and always hungry to learning? We find that hiring for attitude and aptitude is far more impactful than simply hiring to a checklist, especially when so many skills are easily learned on the job. Focus on people who mesh with your company, candidates who love to learn, and those people you believe can move your organization forward when hiring in a competitive employer market.

Have you standardized your interview model?


Interviews are one of the most important parts of the hiring process, and are often rife with bias. The main issues we see with interviews are group interviews and unstandardized processes.

What do I mean by this? It means the interview experience varies by candidate. For example, a candidate hired through a referral is brought in for a casual chat with the hiring manager and their prospective boss, while a candidate who applied online sits through a coding test and multiple interview panels. Not only do these candidates not step into the workforce on equal footing, but the chances of one getting hired over another is high. Work with your peers, with your company leaders, and figure out a rubric or evaluation model that’s used for unilaterally for every hire. Create a plan for a standardized interview model so that all candidates are asked the same kinds of questions, put through the same kinds of tests, and offered the same starting offers.

Take a measure approach to your job applications

Often times, you can fall into a trap of seeing a particular title, skimming a listing, and firing off an application. But you didn’t scroll all the way to the bottom to read that they’re looking for someone with a particular skill set that you don’t have, want a very specific experience or are looking for a certain degree level.

Here are a few things to look out for when applying for jobs that may be automatically excluding you:

Degree Type or Major

If a company is seeking something with a higher education degree, the job listing will clearly state it. But look out for language like “preferred”. That’s a signal that they’re open to other majors or a lower degree of education.

Hard Skills

If you’re in a technical industry, hard skills will be even more important. Pay attention to the specific software programs, coding languages, certifications, etc. that the company is seeking in their ideal candidate. If you can only code in one specific language and it’s not the one they use, then you will likely not receive a callback.

Years of Experience

This is, admittedly, a bit of a gray area, but some companies are more tied to the years of experience than others. However, applying for a job that asks for 10 years of experience when you’ve been out of college for one year is probably a long shot. So, be realistic. If you’re very close to the range they give, it’s likely worth sending over an application.

Second Language

Second languages are a more obscure requirement, but one that can live at the very end of a job description and can easily be overlooked. If a company needs someone proficient in a second language and you’re not, it should be a no-go. However, if you’ve taken a significant number of years in that language but are not proficient, it could be enough to get you an interview.

So, if you’ve learned anything, it’s to read the entire job description and then read it again before applying. Companies create these to weed out candidates, so ensure that you tick most, if not all, of their non-negotiables. Again, many are subjective, so you will still need to use your best judgment. But typically, companies make it clear what their needs are and what their nice to have’s are.

Acing Video and Phone Interviews

Increasingly, phone and video interviews are used to screen applicants because they are cheaper and often more convenient for the employer to conduct than face-to-face interviews. Many of the same principles of effective interviewing apply to phone and video interviews, but some aspects are quite different.

Consider enlisting a friend or family member to conduct a mock phone or video interview with you for practice, using the actual mode you’ll use for the real interview. Be sure you’re in a quiet, secluded place, free of distractions, at the time of your interview appointment.

In the real interview, avoid any behaviors that will cause distracting sounds during the interview, such as chewing gum, coughing, snuffling, sneezing and throat-clearing. Have a glass of water handy in case your throat gets dry or ticklish. If you feel yourself going off on, for example, an unstoppable coughing jag, ask if the interviewer would like to reschedule. For video, avoid visual distractions, such as a person or pet walking into the room.

Just as you should smile in a face-to-face interview to project enthusiasm, smile as much as possible in your phone or video interview. The interviewer can’t see your smile over the phone but will hear it in your voice. On video, you’ll be seen similarly to how you’d be seen in person, so smiles and other nonverbal positive behaviors are called for.

Don’t feel you need to fill lulls in the conversation. If the interviewer doesn’t respond at the end of your answer, ask a question to deflect the conversation back to him or her. Similarly, don’t be afraid to take a good pause before answering any question that throws you for a loop. Pauses and lulls seem much longer on the phone or video, but don’t let them rattle you, and don’t feel you must blurt out an immediate response. Take a moment to think and then respond to the best of your ability.

Since phone and video interviews are often initial interviews intended to screen out candidates, expect the unexpected. Remember that afterwards, phone and video interviews require thank you notes just as face-to-face sessions do.

How confident are you?

Speak Up

Express your ideas and speak up. Confidence is something that can take you places. High confidence equates to more people listening to you, which in turn can make you more reliable.

At the same time, speaking up and being confident can mean you care about your job and that you’re taking things seriously.

Welcome Feedback

Always welcome feedback and take this opportunity to improve things and your skills. People learn from mistakes and grow from them to develop their skills.

Be Confident

Be confident but, at the same time, be humble in anything you do. Having a high confidence level helps boost your communication skills, and people listen more to confident speakers.

At the same time, be humble and accept that you are not the one who knows everything, and at some point, you can make mistakes.

Looking to hire a leader?

Every company needs leaders at all levels in their organization, sometimes team members can be promoted from within but at other times companies need to hire someone like you. Here are some questions you should expect in an interview.

Five team leader questions.

What’s your leadership style? 

This is a common question that gets asked at team leader interviews. The employer wants to see that you have a proven strategy for leading people. It’s a tricky question as there are no right or wrong answers. Your leadership style is determined by several factors, including skills, experience, values and the company culture.

Your answer should clearly explain what your management style is. Always indicate that your approach isn’t rigid – but is adaptable and flexible enough to fully support each team member.

What would you do if two members of your team didn’t get on?

Let’s face it, most teams contain people who have different drives, personalities and ways of doing things. So it’s inevitable that at some point, two colleagues won’t get on. As a team leader, it’s part of your job to manage this situation, and ensure it doesn’t escalate.

Being asked to describe what action you would take if colleagues didn’t get on is a question that’s frequently asked in team leader interviews, explain the problem, the action you took and the result.

How do you build a strong culture within your teams? 

When a team shares a set of beliefs, attitudes and values, they’re better equipped to achieve their collective goals. Whether it’s hitting a sales target or getting a new product to market.

Team culture is achieved through many things, including supportive leadership and trust – but these things may not be enough on their own. So try and think about practical ways you can create a strong culture, such as team building events, regular one-to-ones and team catch-ups, and use these examples to help give your answer credibility.

What methods would you use to evaluate your team’s performance? 

Measuring a team’s performance is an important part of a team leader’s job. By identifying strengths and weaknesses of each team member, you can assign them tasks that match their skills.

The method you’ll use to measure the team’s performance will depend on things like the sector you work in, the type of job the team is doing and what the company’s goals are. So, when preparing your answer, think about what factors are important to measure and how you’ll use the information to improve the team’s performance in the future.

And if you can demonstrate how these align with hitting overall business objectives, you’ll really be able to get the interviewer’s attention.

Tell us about a time you led your team to success? 

This question focuses on your ability to inspire and motivate your team. This is your opportunity to impress the employer with your leadership skills, so don’t shy away from acknowledging your accomplishments.

Have a strong example, clearly explain what the project was, how you managed the team and what value this brought to the company. But also show how the whole team contributed to this success.

Work for your success…

Work harder than those around you

Good work ethic commands respect. This doesn’t necessarily suggest that you should be the first one at work in the morning or the last one to leave work at night. However, you should cultivate habits that can contribute to your performance and put in more time and effort than those around you. Doing so will show your dedication and result in respect from your peers and leaders.

If you need help, ask for it

There will likely be certain tasks or projects you must complete at your workplace that you may not understand. It is best to ask questions to clarify, rather than make unnecessary mistakes. This way you save time and ensure that you can complete the task or project successfully the first time.

Use your strengths

By putting your focus on those things that you are strongest at, over time you will become an expert at it. By outsourcing your weaknesses to others who excel in those areas, you’ll be able to cover those weaknesses better than you could have otherwise. Trying to be great at everything could be spreading yourself thin and keeping you from reaching your full potential in your strongest areas.

Don’t just go with the flow…

Ask the important questions

Many successful professionals have become successful because they ask important questions. You should maintain a curious disposition and ask questions. Asking questions will build your knowledge and contribute to your learning process and development. You may also consider asking questions about things that are not directly related to your job title if you think it could help you gain a better understanding of your organization as a whole.

Don’t be afraid to speak up

Meetings are meant for employees to share their thoughts and ideas on important topics that affect the business. If you have an idea or if you have a reason to believe an idea shouldn’t be implemented, then you should mention it in a professional way with accurate data to back up your claims. You may also request a face-to-face meeting with a supervisor if you need to discuss a sensitive matter or ask for advice. When you participate and speak up, employers will notice that you care about your job and take it seriously.